Venting your feelings on facebook, doesn’t change much

Venting on facebook, doesn’t change much.


I was feeling tired after I can finally take a short break before I start studying. I finally returned to my crib after a whole day outside. And I was reading crap on my newsfeed when this status on facebook really annoyed me. This person vent his feeling towards a community that had organized this sort of activity, he was assigned to do some editing. What really annoyed me the most it’s how brash is it.  So this brings me to my point. And I am pretty sure some of you may relate to this:

Firstly, If you have problems when working with a community there are 2 ways one run away like a coward like nothing happened that I believe you WON’T or two talk maturely to the community you’re working with and find a solution to it. Venting it on facebook won’t make a change, even if one of the community members read it they won’t give a fuck about what they read. Cause facebook it’s fill with shit and you know that to.

Moving on, what is the point if you have problems working with others but refuse to talk and then you vent it on facebook and it doesn’t change one single bit ? the problems it’s going to pile up into a mountain. It’s like a cup filled with water till the rim and you continue pouring water to it and then it overflows, but if you pour some out and then pour more water in it won’t over flow. So what am I trying to picture here is just talk about your problems to the community so they’ll understand.

Lastly, If they don’t bother to take action after what you told them, then you have every rights to post your anger and rant it on facebook or whatsoever, then they might feel embarrassed about it and find a solution. But this is IF THEY DON’T

And yes it’s your every rights to post whatever you want, but I am just saying venting your problems on facebook doesn’t change anything.



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